Yoni Steam

This Yoni Steam Blend (Universal Blend) is a general blend, which covers most benefits. You can use this v steam at home.
Made with 12 different herbs .
Benefits of the steam include
Menstrual pain / Restoring irregular menstrual cycle
Menopause symptoms
Increase sexual desire
Trauma Release
Fortify against cancer
Cleanse the womb
& more !
For general hygiene you can use Yoni steam 2 times a month
Floral Imbalance blend is made from the universal blend with an addition of a couple more herbs that are specifically beneficial for those who are prone to virus and infections, as well as those who may have a odor they are trying to get rid of. You can use this v steam at home.
You can use steam 1-3 times a month to maintain. If you have any active infections only steam for 10 mins for 10 days (with an exception of period).
Fertility blend is made from the universal blend with an addition of a couple more herbs that are specifically beneficial for those who are infertile. You can use this v steam at home. You can use the Steam during your pre-ovulation phase up until ovulation. Yoni steam helps to create uterine membranes that are moist and receptive for conception to happen. Do not steam after possible conception.
Menstruation blend is made from the universal blend with an addition of a couple more herbs that are specifically beneficial for those who are tolerating cramps, pains, bloating that comes with menstruation, missing periods, and heavy periods. You can use this v steam at home. You can use a Yoni Steam a few days before a period and at the end of a period.
Menopausal blend is for those who are looking to relieve their menopausal symptoms. The blend is made from the universal blend with an addition of a couple more herbs that are specifically beneficial for menopausal symptoms. You can use this v steam at home. Steam at least once a month.
Postpartum blend is made from the universal blend with an addition of a couple more herbs that are specifically beneficial for women who have just given birth. It supports the body to release fluids, and aids the womb in shrinking back to pre-pregnancy size. You can use this v steam at home. Before you start your steams, wait about a week after birth. If you are still bleeding or have infections do not use treatment. It is recommended to steam repeatedly – two to three times per week until desired results. For women who had a c-section, wait until you’ve healed before attempting to steam.
Mild blend is very similar to the Universal Blend, certain herbs were replaced and substituted for sensitivity. So if you are not able to use any of the other blends, this one is for you. You can use this v steam at home.